Plan Structure

To edit a chapter title

  1. Click on the chapter title.  
  2. The title will change to edit mode. Make the necessary edit and click the checkmark button or hit the Enter key on your keyboard.

To add a chapter

  1. Click on the Setup button.
  2. Click the Add Chapter button. A new chapter will be added to the bottom of the list.
  3. Enter a title for the new chapter and click the checkmark button or hit the Enter key on your keyboard to save. 
  4. Drag the new chapter into its correct position. 

To reorder a chapter


  1. Click on the Setup button.
  2. Drag the new chapter into its correct position. 
To delete a chapter


  1. Whether on the Plan Setup page or an individual Chapter page, mouse over the chapter and click on the trash icon to delete.
  2. Click to confirm the deletion when prompted.

Note: A chapter cannot be restored after being deleted.