How do I navigate my Admin Panel?

Here are the basics to navigating your LaunchRock Admin Panel:

  1. The Project Menu: This is how you switch between your projects, edit project settings and create new projects
  2. App Store: Find exclusive deals on great products, SaaS tools, and Applications to help you build your business. 
  3. Insights Tab: Click this tab to view your Site Stats & User Management (Emails etc.) for the open project.
  4. Change Theme: You can easily switch your project Theme here.
  5. The Builder Accordion: Click on a header in the Accordion (Landing Page, Sharing Page etc.) to open that step. A checkmark means all required steps are complete.
  6. Launch Status Bar: This is both a progress bar and the Launch! button.
  7. Preview Toggle: Use this to switch the preview between the browser and mobile device views.
  8. Advanced Code Editor: Click this to open the HTML / JavaScript / CSS editor.
  9. Help & Feedback: Click this button to search the knowledge base or leave feedback.
  10. Account Settings: Click here to make changes to your Admin Name, E-mail, and Password, or sign out.
  11. Admin Name: Hi you!