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Are there guidelines or rules of conduct on Clarity?

Are there guidelines or rules of conduct on Clarity?

Of course there are - this isn't the Wild West.

First off, you'll need a badge.  Wait, that's not true - but pretend you are wearing one, and that you've sworn yourself to uphold a few guidelines and principles that we've outlined below. 

BTW, we ask that all users (experts and members) read and follow these guidelines to ensure that their account isn't in risk of being suspended or removed. So, while there may not be badges - but there is a Sheriff. 

Come with an open mind.

Open minds are strongly encouraged. There's no use allowing the conversation to turn abrasive. It'll get you nowhere, except run out of town on a rail, tarred and feathered. If things start going off the tracks, it's sometimes best to wrap it up and move on.

Being on time

A wise old man on the edge of town once told us "If you're not 5 minutes early, you're 5 minutes late." Being on time shows respect and eagerness to meet the other person, which always sets things off on the right foot.

No hawking.

This is a community, not a used car lot. You're here to give or receive quality advice so that better decisions can be made in business, not to sell or be sold to. That being said, if, in the conversation, the other person says something like, "Wow, that's interesting - I'd love to be a customer," then it's fair game. Use your judgement - unless you have notoriously bad judgment - then just err on the side of being very conservative in talking about your products or services in your interactions.

Preparation is key.

"Luck is where the crossroads of opportunity and preparation meet." -Seneca

5-10 minutes of preparation before the call is highly recommended. Gather your thoughts and questions so you can quickly engage, making the most of the conversation. This goes for both members and experts - don't rely on the other end of phone to have a nicely prescribed plan to drive the call outcomes.

What do you want to achieve? What do you have to offer? Determining these things beforehand is always time well spent.

We're all friends here.

We don't think anyone should get all lawyered up to have a conversation and that's why they're considered informal and non-binding. Leave your NDAs at the city limits - we take the "Friend-DA" approach. Essentially, unless you specifically ask to share someone else’s information with others, then you shouldn't. That also means if someone is telling you about an idea, and you have a business interest in a potential competitor, you should tell them. It's just the right thing to do. 

We want you. Not your company.

Sometimes people try to create business accounts on Clarity. That's not how we work. Our members want to know who YOU are, not your company. Same goes with aliases or noms-de-plume. If you don't feel comfortable disclosing who you really are, then we're not a good fit for each other. Real people and real reputation is the key to making Clarity really work for everyone. For real.

...The door

Our members dig the positive, solution-oriented vibe at Clarity. If you're not happy here or if you step on too many toes and interfere with our warm, fuzzy atmosphere - it may be best to part ways. Your account may be suspended or removed and we'll chalk it up to the stars not aligning while wishing you the best and holding the door for you as you continue your journey elsewhere.