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  2. Launchrock
  3. Custom URLs / DNS Settings / Using Your Domain

Bluehost: CNAME Record Instructions


Creating a CNAME Record is required for your hosted Landing Page.

  1. Log into the cPanel at login.bluehost.com
  2. Select the DNS Zone Editor icon in the Domains section 
  3. Select the domain you're modifying from the drop-down box. 
  4. Scroll down to the heading named Add DNS Record 
  5. In the Host field, enter the desired name you chose for your website with LaunchRock. 
  • For example, if you chose signup.yoursite.com, enter signup in the Name field. 
  • Leave the TTL field at it's default setting.  
  • Select CNAME in the Type menu. 
  • In the Points to field, enter host.launchrock.com 
  • Be sure the settings are saved.
  • Congratulations! Your CNAME record is now configured to point to LaunchRock.

    If you still trouble configuring your CNAME records, you can check out the Bluehost tutorial page. Or, view a sample message to use when you contact Bluehost for assistance at their support page.

    To redirect your base domain edit your Bluehost A Record

    Once you've modified your A records, it may take up to 72 hours for changes to update live.
