How To Test If Your Domain Settings / CNAME / A Record Are Correctly Configured using the 'Check' Test Buttons
You can check whether your CNAME and/or A Records are correctly configured yourself using the Check CNAME and Check A Record buttons found in 'Step 5 - Domain Settings' of the LaunchRock Site Builder.
To Test:
- Log in to your LaunchRock page
- Click on Step 5 - Domain Settings
- To Check your CNAME, click the 'Check CNAME' button
- To Check your A Record, scroll down and click the 'Check A Record' button
- If the button opens up a Red Error message, the record you are testing is not correctly configured - you need to log into your DNS controls and reconfigure them. Locate your DNS provider here for detailed instructions on setting up CNAME and A Records
This image shows a positive test for a correctly configured CNAME (a positive test will look the same for a positive Check A Record test)

This image shows the error message for an incorrectly configured A Record (the error message will look the same for a negative Check CNAME test)